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Rollup ID Scopes Part 3: Exploring Common Rollup ID Scopes and Their Real-World Applications

August 17, 2023
Adrian Maurer (@a11hard)

In our previous post, having delved into the anatomy of Rollup ID scopes, it's time to explore some of the most common ones and understand their real-world applications. From email communications to blockchain interactions, Rollup ID scopes cater to a diverse range of needs.

1. The "openid" scope

What it does: Signals that the authorization request is an OIDC request and ensures the provision of an ID token as part of the token exchange. It also shares the consistent identifier or subject of the user's digital identity as part of the ID token.

Real-world application: Essential for any OIDC-based authentication flow, ensuring users are correctly identified. This scope is crucial for applications to identify unique users within their user databases, helping in user management, tracking user activities, and personalizing user experiences. Learn more about connecting to your database with Rollup ID.

2. The "profile" scope

What it does: Provides basic profile claims, such as name and picture.

Real-world application: Personalizing the user experience on any app, ensuring users don't always have to input their profile information during onboarding. This can be especially useful for e-commerce sites to provide personalized product recommendations or for social media platforms to suggest friend connections.

3. The "email" scope

What it does: Allows applications to request email addresses from users. Using the mask email feature (akin to Apple's approach), users can ensure that the email connection is severed if access is revoked.

Real-world application: Ensures users share the email they wish to receive notifications from the application they are signing up with. This is vital for platforms that send transactional emails, newsletters, or promotional offers. The mask email feature also enhances user privacy by allowing them to share a temporary email address, reducing spam and unwanted emails.

4. The "connected_accounts" scope

What it does: Provides information about the type and address of each connected account.

Real-world application: Useful for automatically completing a profile that requires verified social media accounts, blockchain accounts, or email addresses. For instance, a job portal might use this to verify a user's LinkedIn credentials, or a cryptocurrency platform might use it to verify a user's blockchain wallet address.

5. The "erc_4337" (smart contract wallet) scope

What it does: Allows users to create and/or share managed smart contract wallets with an application.

Real-world application: Enables applications to register session keys, sponsor gas fees, and perform signless transactions. This is especially beneficial for DeFi platforms, where users might want to interact with multiple services without constantly signing transactions or paying gas fees. Additionally, marketplaces can utilize this scope to charge users via credit cards and manage assets with the authorized smart contract wallet, streamlining transactions and ensuring secure asset management. It also allows users to maintain separate wallets for different services, enhancing security and privacy.

The "store" (object storage) scope

What it does: Indicates the name of an object storage namespace for storing versioned data blobs. [coming soon]

Real-world application: Allows more than one application to share the same storage namespace to collaborate with authorized user data. This can be particularly useful for collaborative platforms like document editing tools or project management software, where multiple apps might need to access the same set of user data.

7. The "kyc" scope

What it does: Indicates the need for verified personal identifiable information. [coming soon]

Real-world application: Essential for platforms requiring identity verification, such as online banking, financial services, or even online marketplaces that need to ensure the authenticity of their sellers.


Rollup ID scopes are versatile tools that cater to a myriad of application needs. By understanding the practical applications of these scopes, developers can tailor their authentication requests, ensuring a seamless and secure user experience. In our upcoming posts, we'll delve into advanced scope configurations and best practices to optimize your Rollup ID integration.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we'll dive deeper into advanced techniques for leveraging Rollup ID scopes!

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